R.J.PRO-SERVICES are dedicated to protecting people and assets and to ensuring safety, security and business continuity. In today’s uncertain world, employees require a secure working environment, customers expect the highest level of uninterrupted service and shareholders seek confidence in the stability of your operation.
The team at R.J. PRO-SERVICES has the skills, experience and dedication to meet all your security and protection needs. Specializing in physical security, our expert staffs have been called upon by governments and corporations around the world to undertake a wide variety of protection projects covering both individual sites and entire cities. We have been present after many of the major attacks against civilians during the past decades and are world renowned for our ability to analyse risks and recommend effective protection and security
We look forward to working with you to develop and implement a comprehensive security plan and to protect your buildings for your customers, employees, investors and for your peace of mind.
R.J.PRO-SERVICES (MYANMAR) CO,LTD (affiliated with R.J. PRO-SERVICES PTE LTD, SINGAPORE) also with the objectives to assist the foreign investors to capture the business opportunities by starting the business within the minimum time & cost R.J.PRO-SERVICES will help the foreign investors to start the projects initially by providing the professional services & business